After two full days of qualifying, just 23 players have moved on to Day 2 on Tuesday, where at least $200,000 will be up for grabs! Leading the way is Massoud Eskandari (pictured above), who bagged up a massive stack of 705,000. The work of Brian Pascal should also be noted. Pascal has played, and now qualified, in both starting sessions so far, bringing in a stack of 326,000 into play on Tuesday. For his efforts, Pascal has already locked up a payday of $2,500.  Check out the rest of the survivors below, and don’t forget, you have two more chances to punch your Day 2 ticket today and tomorrow!


1. Massoud Eskandari- 705,000

2. Daniel Geyser- 665,000

3. Terry Foster- 656,000

4. Brandon Christensen- 637,000

5. Yaacov Haviv- 597,000

6. John Simonian- 344,000

7. Brian Pascal*- 326,000

8. Bruce Buffer- 314,000

9. Jeffrey Yarchever- 258,000

10. Sean Yu- 238,000

11. Kevin Hoffman- 233,000

12. John Hulett- 223,000

13. Bohan Jain- 211,000

14. Ablahad Salim- 197,000

15. Sam Chavhan- 188,000

16. Behzed Javadzadeh- 188,000

17. Jordan Warkol- 182,000

18. Dana Kellstrom- 169,000

19. Derrick Mokedi- 138,000

20. Mike Stella- 111,000

21. David Hassett- 98,000

22. Jon Peck- 95,000

23. Mohammad Sotoudeh- 90,000


*double qualifier